And yet, there are positive signs. People show solidarity. Together we can flatten the curve. Respect for healthcare workers is unseen. Companies and government take positive initiatives. In times of crisis, leaders stand up. People discover new tools and possibilities. In uncertain times there is also hope and optimism. Profacts wants to continuously measure and map this optimism. Because it's there, we're sure of it. Not just because research is our specialty. But also because it is our social duty.
That's why Profacts is launching the 'Optimism Barometer'. In the coming weeks, we want to measure the confidence level of the population in these troubled times, by means of a short survey.
How optimistic are they about their health, the economy, the wide range of support measures offered by the governments? How has their relationship with their family, friends or colleagues changed? Will the coronavirus have an impact on their holiday plans?...
If you can spare a few minutes, we would really appreciate your input to the survey on hope and optimism, using this link:
Thank you in advance and let’s spread optimism!