28 % of the total Belgian population visited a festival somewhere in the country. Young people go far more often: almost 50 % of the Belgians between 18 and 29 years old went to at least one Belgian festival. 2 % of all Belgians visited more than 3 festivals, 4 % went abroad to attend a music event.
Despite all the efforts to recommend public transport as the best way to get to a festival, 69 % of the festival visitors took the car. 13 % went by bike or on foot, 16 % used public transport.
Belgium people generally attended festivals with friends (61 %). 26 % made a family happening about it and 4 % took colleagues to the festival terrain. 6 % of the Belgian festival visitors went alone.
Festival score
As Belgian festivals get an overall satisfaction score of 8,1 out of 10, Belgian festival visitors can be considered as a happy audience. The lowest score goes to the ticket price and food and beverage.

77 % of the Belgian festival visitors takes a positive view on the special security measures, such as the strict bag check and walk through metal detector.
Based on the average score of 8.3 out of 10, people feel safe at the Belgian festivals. Only 1.5 % specified to have been pickpocketed.
Regarding hearing safety, 1 out of 5 Belgian festival visitors always use earplugs during concerts. Half of the Belgian visitors never use them.
An average budget of 287 euros has been spent by Belgian festival visitors. This budget includes the total package: tickets, camping, merchandising, food and beverage and transport. 22 % of the visitors bought some merchandising at the festival.